Second Generation


Kenneth Johnson's much-anticipated new novel was published in hardcover and trade paper editions by Tor Books. It is also available in a mass market paperback edition and on Kindle.

An Italian translation is coming in the spring!

Kenny hopes his many friends who have eagerly looked forward to the novel will enjoy it.

Book Signings

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The novel picks up the epic story 20 years after the original arrival of the alien Visitors. Anyone coming to V for the first time will be immediately swept up into the Brave New World which The Visitors have created.

By bringing many benefits to humankind The Visitors have seduced the majority of earth's people into believing they have our best interests at heart.

But the brave people of The Resistance know the horrifying truth and are struggling to save humanity before it's too late.

Then, at their darkest hour, The Resistance discovers startling new Allies who have come to help.

...Or have they?

V - The Second Generation is a tense, fast-paced, riveting exploration of how ordinary people react to the perils of life under nightmarish wartime occupation. And how such enormous pressures bring out the worst -- or the most heroic -- in human nature.

"With its echoes of the Holocaust and World War II, 'V' could look anachronistic in this Age of Terror, but Johnson skillfully updates the '80s classic to the new world order, retaining the flavor of the original but adding fresh characters, 21st-century technology and a heaping portion of environmental awareness."

--- Kate O’Hare, The Tribune Syndicate

"Johnson was the creative mastermind behind the popular 1980s miniseries V…this novel resumes the conflict via an irresistible plot twist. Johnson’s energetic prose should give long-suffering V fans some new thrills."

--- Booklist

"A delight to read...This pulse-pounding novel will keep readers riveted as it rockets toward a stunning conclusion both satisfying and utterly unexpected."

--- Tomorrow's Entertainment

"Mastermind Kenneth Johnson has resurrected the battle between the human resistance and the gopher gobbling reptilians with V: The Second Generation, the dark, action packed, eye-opening, social commentary sequel to his original sci-fi endeavor that picks up 20 years after his original story."

--- Ain't It Cool News

"…A fast-paced, action adventure tale of the powerful and entitled Visitors... Johnson creates some surprising new characters and sexual relationships, particularly involving the Visitor Leader. ...Johnson is especially effective, as he was in the original miniseries, at introducing disparate, unrelated stories and slowly having them collide with one another throughout the course of the story…I certainly enjoyed being back in that world and the thrust of the story."

--- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

"The novel was a great read…Johnson doesn’t waste a second of plot and he does manage to create a thrilling story. While the story line has turned much darker than the previous V miniseries, fans of the V narrative will love this powerful submission. …This exhilarating new novel, V: The Second Generation will keep readers locked in as it soars toward an astonishing finish both fulfilling and totally unanticipated."


"Johnson's finale to his rousing sci-fi tale is a big winner… a breathlessly-paced sci-fi adventure that I found irresistible and impossible to put down. Who doesn't love a thriller that revolves around an underground movement to overthrow brutal oppressors? I salute Kenneth Johnson, a very creative guy.”


"Johnson successfully draws the reader into the emotional turmoil that his characters experience. Indeed, one of the strengths of Johnson’s writing is how much we come to care for the characters and their journeys. …He is above all else a visually-oriented writer, and is intent on creating memorable visuals. …The book is entertaining, filled with well-wrought imagery, and keeps moving forward at a snappy pace. Most readers will find the book to be an addictive page-turner."


"Kenneth Johnson. I could probably end the review right there because when he puts something out, it is always quality. This book is not only a great read, well written and satisfying to all science fiction fans, but the reflections on society and human nature are so interesting and hit so close to home, making this book a must for any library. This book captures everything that was great about the original. It’s intriguing and there are twists and surprises and it is really impossible to put down once picked up. Of course, this is much more than just a great sci-fi book. It is a reflection of society. Everything from a government controlled media, to bigotry, and depletion of resources are all matters that are of the most relevance. Without question Kenneth Johnson is the closest our generation will come to the great Rod Serling. His understanding of the human mind has created some of the most developed and understood characters ever. He easily draws the audience in with situations that are realistic. He makes clear the motivations and drive of each person and therefore the reader is with each one. It doesn’t get much better than this. 'V: The Second Generation' is a novel one can read again and again. To think of this on the big screen actually causes an excitement that most haven’t felt about movies in a long time. As good as the original, this is a must-read and will without question be a must-see."
