Second Generation
Kenneth Johnson's much-anticipated new novel was published in hardcover and trade paper editions by Tor Books. It is also available in a mass market paperback edition and on Kindle.
An Italian translation is coming in the spring!
Kenny hopes his many friends who have eagerly looked forward to the novel will enjoy it.
The novel may ordered at local bookstores worldwide or...
The novel picks up the epic story 20 years after the original arrival of the alien Visitors. Anyone coming to V for the first time will be immediately swept up into the Brave New World which The Visitors have created.
By bringing many benefits to humankind The Visitors have seduced the majority of earth's people into believing they have our best interests at heart.
But the brave people of The Resistance know the horrifying truth and are struggling to save humanity before it's too late.
Then, at their darkest hour, The Resistance discovers startling new Allies who have come to help.
...Or have they?
V - The Second Generation is a tense, fast-paced, riveting exploration of how ordinary people react to the perils of life under nightmarish wartime occupation. And how such enormous pressures bring out the worst -- or the most heroic -- in human nature.