Photo Gallery for Alien Nation: The Udara Legacy Production Meeting for Udara 2nd A.D. Dirk Craft with the appropriate tee-shirt Shooting at KTLA Lew Palter (center) Kenny's professor at Carnegie Discovering the scene Hawaiian Shirt Day for the A.D. Crew -- Michael Johnson, Jon Hermanson, Hondel Whitmore, Rich Sickler, Venita Ozols-Graham & Dirk Craft Finding the set-up LAPD Academy with Thom Berry & Sean Six Kenny's Assistant, Brenda Griffin, who shot most of these photos At L.A. City Hall Video Village at City Hall Gary's apartment at Hewitt Street Studios Alameda Hospital For the Panavision ad Dirk sets background players on the alien mine set Production Sound Mixer Ed Moskowitz Family dinner in Chinatown The Prison Set Michele, the assassin Venita & daughter Brigitte, who was born just after we finished the pilot Cinematographer Ron Garcia whose smile is constant Susie & Michael Johnson Susie brings See's candy to the crew -- almost Location Managers Victoria Brown & Marvin Bernstein Makeup genius Werner Kepler who created The Incredible Hulk and V makeup for Kenny The Last Shot on The Last Day of The Last Movie -- eight years of great work and pals forever Preview Audio Link 1 Preview Link 2