Startling French Mural

French V Mural Hi-Res

Mural by Thomas Tournery in Avignon, France.


Swedish Royal Philharmonic performs V

Amazing new V Diorama created by the brilliant Cesar Villar Toro of Spain. -- It's hard to believe that this is really only a model!

See Cesar's work in progress. Click on each small photo to enlarge. Be sure to check out all the pages. He's truly a genius.

See more amazing close-ups!

Also...V invades Legoland

...Just what the world has been waiting for: publication of the novelization of Kenny's original V -- in Korean!


And brava to Gabriele in Italy...

The cake is made with the following ingredients:

Inside the cake: Pan di Spagna, flavored with wetted a "dealcolinized" of Roum - hazelnut cream, "strictly Italian" - fresh cream - butter cream and sugar paste, used to cover everything!

Outdoor decoration: gummy candies and grains of sugar colored ;

The print - at the center of the cake - is made on edible sheet of hostia "flavored with vanilla-flavoured" and silk-screened with food coloring!