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in Metaphysical Fiction
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The Man of Legends
Award winning author, screenwriter, director, producer Kenneth Johnson has been mesmerizing audiences with his wholly original speculative fiction work for over forty years. He is the creator of the ground-breaking and influential original miniseries V, producer of The Six Million Dollar Man and creator such Emmy-winning iconic shows as The Bionic Woman, The Incredible Hulk and Alien Nation.
Now Johnson brings his creative genius and storytelling gifts to an ambitious undertaking: an epic, super-natural mystery thriller rooted in one of the great untold legends of human history. Here is a unique blend of gripping action, intriguing characters, cinematic scenes and a narrative interwoven throughout centuries of historical fact.
The novel is set in contemporary New York City on New Years weekend, 2001 but with flashes back two millennia to the ancient Holy Land and even further into the primal myths of Paradise Lost.
A troubled young female tabloid reporter discovers an impossibility: a cursed man who apparently cannot die and who has profoundly affected the course of human history for 2000 years. She learns that he is being sought by a feisty 85-year-old UN envoy consumed by wistful memories of her long-ago romance with him, but also relentlessly pursued by an ambitious priest - the latest of many Vatican pursuers over the centuries.
Most dangerous of all is an ominous stranger who haunts the hero and will draw him, plus all those who care for him and thousands of others into a nightmare confrontation with the ultimate evil.
Told in the first-person by many different eyewitnesses - including the reporter, the elderly woman, a mixed-race street kid/graffiti artist, a country singer, a Japanese taxi driver, a Latina child, the obsessed priest and the hero himself - THE MAN OF LEGENDS is a complex and multi-layered novel that is both a riveting thriller and a shrewd examination of the way our actions affect others.
Heart-rending romance, unrelenting suspense and a jaw-dropping climax make this novel a must-read.