Photo Gallery Hot Pursuit Day 1 on the Mississippi in New Orleans With Mady Kaplan The Usual Suspects: Key Grip Ron Record, Cinematographer John McPherson & Lighting Guru Jack Schlosser -- all from The Hulk & V Leading lady Kerrie Keane Kerrie & co-star Eric Pierpoint (who would later star for Kenny in Alien Nation) The Disco on Bourbon Street Brienne Glyttov (r) Costume Designer from The Hulk & V, later Alien Nation In the French Quarter Kenny's Louisiana relatives, Aunt Bernice, cousin Barbara & kids A tow shot for real, after a miscue during a stunt leads to a head-on collision Special Effects Chief Tom Ryba shoots a tranquilizer dart In the New Orleans courtroom -- this scaffold almost toppled. Lots of near-misses on this shoot. Production Designer Chuck Davis blesses Line Producer Art Seidel Camera Operator Neil Roach, right-center Lining up in Baton Rouge The Patriarch Kerrie & Eric do a dangerous stunt themselves An intimate love scene with 30 people watching Dina Merrill on her character's modest estate In the New Orleans Jail Kenneth, Sr. with Dina A kiss for Daddy And for Charlie Picerni, Stunt Coordinator with his team Kenny's Uncle Seigfried & Aunt Nathalie from his home town of Pine Bluff, Arkansas The Wrap Party in New Orleans ...But still in Hot Pursuit mode. ...And ten years later, doing Alien Nation: Millennium Photo Gallery IMDB Info Soundtrack Music